The picture was taken at range on what turned out to be a cold overcast afternoon with my new camera and I am quite pleased with the results.
Built by Damen Bergum in the Netherlands in 1986 as Yard Number 8222 her keel was laid on 31 August 1984 and she was launched on 27 September 1985 before being completed in January 1986.
She is 82.50m long with a 12.5m beam and 4.58m draught. GT = 1,790, NT = 899 and DWT 2,800.
Originally named Jacqueline she was renamed Jutta R in 1986, Jacqueli (1990), Handorf (1999) before acquiring her current name in 2006. She is currently owned by Balder Shipping based in Riga, Latvia and managed by SIA Aquarius Ship Management which started operations in 2001 managing dry and general cargo vessels.
She has been strengthened for heavy cargo and is equipped for transporting containers. With a single 55.85m x 10.1m x 6.19m hold she can accommodate 3,491m3 of grain or 142 TEU.
Her main engine is a Wartsilla Model 6 FHD 240B Four Stroke Single action Diesel Engine (880KW) driving a single 250rpm rated propeller giving a service speed of 11 Knots.
MMSI - 304854000
REG - AG, St.Johns
IMO - 8505549
Call Sign - V2PI6
General Cargo Ship
Built - Damen Bergum, Bergum, NL
Yard No. - 8222
L 82.5m W 12.5m
GT - 1790
Year - 1986
Liverpool 13 January 2014