She has a tank capacity of 6386.6m3 and is powered by a STX 4 stroke 8 Cylinder Diesel Engine (4000kW, 5835hp) giving a top speed of 14 Knots.
The vessel is managed by John T Essberger BV of Hamburg in Germany and is one of approximately 26 vessels in their fleet. They operate primarily in the Baltic, North Sea and Mediterranean, the Company was formed in 1924 by John T Essberger a German Naval Commander and is still a family run company.
Part of the Princes Dock landing stage can be seen to the left next to the modern mooring posts the larger ships use when visiting Liverpool.
Unfortunately I was again without my camera and this photograph was taken with my phone, I tried using the zoom facility on the phone but the quality was rubbish.
I am going to the Isle Of Wight next week on holiday via Southampton and my camera will definitely be going with me.