She is powered by two type 6MDZC 4 stroke 6 cylinder medium speed internal combustion engines (1.165 kW at 750 rpm).
She has a hydraulic towing winch on the forecastle deck and an identical towing winch on aft deck.
Bollard Pull Ahead = 39 t and Astern = 37 t.
Air-conditioned accommodation is provided for up to 8 personnel.
She is owned by URS Belgie which is a Towage and Salvage Company based in Antwerp which operates in numerous Dutch and Belgian ports. With a towing history dating back to 1870 at the time of writing they operate 31 vessels.
MMSI - 205071000
REG - BE, Zeebrugge
IMO - 8915483
Call Sign - ORLZ
Built - Rupelmonde CN, Rupelmonde, BE
Yard No. - 466
L 31m W 8m
GT 249
Year - 1992
LIverpool, 6 June 2013